
About Us

My name is Georgie (yes like Georgie Porgie Pudding and Pie – one of my favourite poems)
I am a single mother and wanted to start something to help all the mothers and parents out there.
I have 3 beautiful children and have loved every minute of raising them so far.

We all truly know that motherhood is the most satisfying job that anyone can do – whether you are a seasons mother already or are preparing to become one.

Our purpose is to offer you the most up to date news as often as we can.
Our main focus is on parenting and health with a touch of fun.

We not only offer the news to you, but through training and sustainable job creation, we empower our writers and their families to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future.

Finding a website that you can truly believe in didn’t happen overnight. It started with a chance discovery while on vacation and took a lot of hard work, a lot of writing, and a lot of reading and study to get to this stage.

Each news article on our website is handcrafted with the utmost precision and care by our expert team of writers. Our team is across the world with a varying range of degrees and interests, and to bring the most relevant parenting and health news to you.

In 2011, while on vacation in Sweden, our co-founder embarked on an impromptu motorcycle adventure that led her to discover the best writing team that she has ever come across.

She stayed in touch with as many of these writers as she could, while she headed back home to Australia to turn her dream into a reality. While supporting freelance writers across the globe, our goal here at PS It’s a Mum Thing is to bring the highest quality news to light – perhaps in a different way to the standard news outlet.