Can I have chiropractic care after back surgery

Can I have chiropractic care after back surgery? Whether you can continue to receive regular treatment after back surgery depends on what type of surgery you have. If you have a herniated disc or spinal stenosis, you can’t have a postoperative exercise program or use a chiropractor’s manipulative therapy. If you’ve undergone a spinal fusion with metal plates and screws, you can’t get chiropractic adjustments. However, your postoperative rehabilitation plan should address the spinal segments above and below the fused segments, which are still under additional loads and more susceptible to injury. A Tulsa chiropractor can review your medical records and your post-surgery images and develop a treatment plan that addresses your needs.

Can I have chiropractic care after back surgery










Chiropractic Treatments

Chiropractic treatments can safely reduce your pain after back surgery, depending on your age and individual health history. Depending on what type of surgery you had, chiropractic treatments may help you recover faster and without negative side effects. In one study, a group of 32 patients treated with postsurgical manipulation found that their mean pain scores decreased by 4.1 on a 10-point scale. After receiving regular care, patients reported less pain and an improved quality of life.

back pain chiropractor

Although Chiropractic Care Chatswood is based on an accurate diagnosis of your back pain, you must be careful to find a practitioner who understands your medical history. If you have a herniated or slipped disc, you should avoid chiropractic treatment immediately after the procedure. Also, if you’ve had a spinal fusion, your chiropractor may try to perform a neck manipulation which could harm the spinal cord. In addition, you should always discuss your medical history with your chiropractor before scheduling an appointment.

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Spinal Fusion

If you’ve had a spinal fusion, you may want to consider chiropractic care after your procedure. These techniques can help relieve pain and help your body heal faster. Once you’ve recovered from your back surgery, you can begin using a chiropractic machine. It is a natural way to improve your health and feel better. It will improve your physical and mental well-being. Even if you have to take rest after back surgery, a chiropractic adjustment will help reduce your tension and minimize your risk for pain and complications.

While it’s not advisable to visit a chiropractor right after Back Pain Treatment Chatswood, you can try it as a complementary therapy. This is because chiropractors are skilled in restoring the body’s health over a lifetime. A doctor can give you an effective spinal fusion. This type of procedure is a permanent fixation of two or more vertebrae. If you have had a spinal fusion, it’s best not to get chiropractic treatment right away.

Back Pain Wikipedia